Kino Tańca (Dance Cinema) is a series of film presentations in which we want to introduce the audience to unconventional and artistically innovative areas of cinematography, based on the universal language of dance and body expression, as well as musical and visual forms.

The program of the entire series, included in five thematically and genre-diversified film selections, will be focused on contemporary social and cultural phenomena. In the course of 2021, as part of the Dance Cinema, we will present approx. 30 short dance films, which in their original and creative form reflect on the most current phenomena and challenges of the present, and develop a critical discourse in these areas.


Curator: Regina Lissowska-Postaremczak

Kino Tańca Online vol. 1 / ISOLATIONS

In the first edition of the Online Dance Cinema in 2021, we will look at the functioning in the conditions of social distance from various perspectives, which has been our new reality for almost a year. We will present a curated program of dance films made in time and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, representing the most creative ways to transform the experience of isolation by people around the world in 2020. One of the global consequences of the “lockdown” turned out to be an intensive increase in the creativity and viewership of all kinds of film recordings of dance. The program Kino Tańca Online vol 1: Isolations is also a kind of review of the creative strategies that dance and film artists have developed in 2020 in overcoming  obstacles for artistic production. From film self-portraits, through various forms of remote cooperation, to creative institutional solutions for initiating and organizing artistic cooperation (a great example of which was, among others, the program of dance and film productions by the Canadian Festival Quartiers Danses) . As usual, we also give the floor to the creators themselves who agreed to personally tell about the motivation and experiences that accompanied the making of their films.

List of films in the program:

  1. VIRUS / dir. Nauris Buksevic
    2. CAN’T KILL US ALL / dir. & chor. Botis Seva
    3. EARTH ODDYSEY / Asaf Avidan, dir. Adi Halfin
    4. 120 CM OF INTIMACY / dir. Urszula Bernat-Jałocha
    5. THREESOME / dir. Nyco Piscopo
    6. THE SHELTERED ADVENTURES OF QUARANTINIA / dir. & chor. Clare Schweitzer Festival Productions of the Festival Quartier Danses:
    7. SMUDGE / dir. Pepper O’bomsawin, chor. Barbara Kaneratonni Diabo
    8. JONTAE / dir. Siam Obregoń, chor. Kyana Lynne
    9. HALL OF MIRRORS / dir. Do Phan Hoi, chor. Charles Brecard
    10. REFUGE / dir. Marlene Millar, chor. Sandy Silva

Kino Tańca Online vol. 2 / CONNECTION

The program titled ‘Connection’ is a collision of many perspectives of perceiving “online life” and submitting interpersonal relations to digital mediation. From almost documentary images, through critical distance, futuristic visions, to poetic processing in film and dance images, we will look at various forms of our virtual coexistence and communication. The program of the second edition of the Online Dance Cinema in 2021 includes films made during the pandemic, but also earlier works that have gained new meanings in the light of today’s experiences of physical distancing and the transfer of social activity to virtual space. Does communication at a distance bring us closer to each other, or rather alienates us from our surroundings? Can it replace physical contact? What the life in the virtual coexistence means for us? Does it bring a new possibilities of self-expression, or is it a new compulsion of self-creation? As always, we also give the floor to the artists who agreed to personally tell about the experiences accompanying the creative process of their films.

List of films in the program:

  1. KARTKA Z DZIENNIKA, dir. Marta Kosieradzka, Eva Campos Suárez
  2. DANCING IS AN OLD FRIEND dir. Marta Renzi
  3. DIVIDED WE SCROLL dir. Klaas Diersmann
  4. MODERN PERSON, reż Tero Peltoniemi
  5. TOUCH, dir. Kyra Jean Green
  6. SELFIESISM, dir. Daphna Miro
  7. DIGITAL AFTERLIVES dir. Richard James Allen

Kino Tańca Online vol. 3 / BACK TO NATURE

The spring edition of the ‘Kino Tańca’ program is accompanied by the idea of return to nature – taken by the creators both in the symbolic, instinctive and timeless relationship between man and nature, and in the context of contemporary reflection on changes initiated in the environment by human interference.In the program we will present as many as 11 films in which the dialogue of the dancing body and landscape takes place on equal terms – nature is not only a background for the dance, but comes to the fore, becoming the subject and partner in the filmed movement.This selection includes short films that incorporate spectacular landscapes into choreography by cinematic means, and those that, thanks to innovative techniques of movement and its filming, offer a completely new look at the forces of nature. There are also subtle portraits where the sensitive eye of the camera captures the reflection of the body’s sensory experiences in relation to its surroundings, and ones in which these roles are reversed.

List of films in the program:

  1. BUTTE dir. Marlene Millar, Philip Szporer
  2. LENO dir. Nathalie Larquet
  3. LUCID GREEN dir. Joseph Gebrael
  4. COMPERING FOR SUNLIGHT: ASH reż Dagmar Dachauer
  5. COMPERING FOR SUNLIGHT: OAK reż Dagmar Dachauer
  6. AWAY FROM HEREA dir. Katrina McPherson, Simon Fildes
  7. COIRE RUADH dir. Katrina McPherson, Simon Fildes
  8. UATH LOCHANS dir. Katrina McPherson, Simon Fildes
  9. TOPORZEŁ reż Iwona Pasińska
  10. GREEN DOWN dir. FuLE
  11. SARMA (fragment) dir. Anastasiya Lonshakova

Kino Tańca Online vol. 4 / Utopie/Dystopie

Critical reflection on the reality we live in, as well as the near and distant future seems to accompany us more and more often nowadays, which is why during the fourth edition of the program this year we want to look at existential and social issues. Under the joint title: Utopie / Dystopie, we will present a variety of futuristic, fantastic, symbolic, and also seemingly quite realistic visions of the societies.Experimental film forms as well as dance and broadly understood physical expression once again turn out to be a wonderful medium that allows you to develop non-verbal and non-linear narratives, capture experiences and feelings that escape words.

List of films in the program:

  1. SPOONS dir. Jana Smokoňová
  2. TREMBLE dir. Jessica Wright & Morgann Runacre-Temple
  3. PORTRETY BEZNADZIEJNE dir. HERTZ HAUS [Magdalena Kowala, Natalia Murawska, Joanna Woźna, Anna Zglenicka]
  4. 4 ~ dir. Rodrigo Rocha-Campos
  6. OUTOPIA dir. Helen Rollins
  7. CINDARELLA GAMES dir. Jessica Wright & Morgann Runacre-Temple