CORE: COllective REsponsibility through inner integrity

International Project about developing social responsibility through raising emotional awareness as a source of inner balance.

The project CORE has been created from the need of reflection over the role of individuals in modern society and the wish for new tools for building compassionate and empathic communities, in which the needs of individuals are in harmony with the needs of larger groups. The project is designed as a process of exploration of self that leads to understanding a broader context of our responsibility towards others. During the 9-day-training course, 30 youth workers from 10 european countries will research themselves in the context of a group & raise the awareness of their emotions, values & needs, in order to develop a sense of civic responsibility. We will take the perspective of the community, feel the power of unity and unlock the creative potential for building engagement, empathy and responsibility in each individual.

Objectives of the project:

  • Understanding the core: correlation between individuals and society;
  • Integrating body, mind and emotions;
  • Providing tools for personal growth: self-care and emotional well-being;
  • Improving essential skills (accountability, adaptability, resilience, decision-making, flexibility) in a context of change and unpredictability;
  • Increasing creativity and social responsibility of individuals;
  • Sharing and developing tools for community engagement.


15-25 October 2021



Angelika Mizińska

Magdalena Szymańska

Sylwia Federico

For more CLICK HERE.

During the project together with the participants we created “Well-being Toolkit”: