Sharing knowledge and creating development opportunities for others is an important element of our Foundation’s activities. Learning through art and experience, with particular emphasis on the role of the body in the process of learning and development, building the basis for creating educational projects addressed to all age groups, taking into account the diversity of their needs. Nowadays, artistic, educational and social activities are intertwined, creating unusual combinations, thanks to which the participants and recipients of the foundation’s projects have a chance for multi-level personal development.

Art is our medium to better understand ourselves and the world around us. Through our projects, we create opportunities to develop personal, social and artistic competences.


Today’s children are exposed to an excessive amount of stimuli. Competition, already in the early education period, puts them under great stress and often creates a feeling of being lost. Often left to themselves, they have difficulty focusing and finding an authentic connection with themselves and their emotions. The key to their development is the ability to communicate and maintain attention, as well as being sensitive to their own and others’ needs. Learning to listen to themselves and be mindful of the here and now in the future will enable them to develop social skills. Such conscious awareness brings changes not only in behaviour but also in attitudes towards oneself and towards other people.
The basic assumption of our projects is to get to know the forms of non-verbal communication and to build and deepen ties through working with the body and various artistic forms. We work with a qualified staff of teachers, artists and educators who perfectly adapt projects to the real needs of children, combining various teaching techniques and methodologies. Our projects are holistic, stimulate and support the cognitive, emotional, motor, personal and social development of the child.
We pay special attention to promoting and integrating these activities into the family cell space. We know how closeness, contact in movement, play in the presence and trust of a parent or adult influences the formation of the child’s personality and future attitude to life. We create space and time for children, parents and guardians, for mutual communication through movement based on spontaneous play, improvisation, elements of contact improvisation, the method of developing movement and other art forms. Through movement and art, children have the chance to increase their motor skills and self-confidence. At the same time, together with their parents/guardians, they build mutual trust and are becoming more independent.
Thanks to joint activities, we have a chance to support the development of family relationships, and thus the very development of the child and its future. We promote the model of spending time actively and together and building relationships based on mutual respect, regardless of age. We try to develop a sense of independence in young people. Parents work with children as equals, so in this way, we support the building of children’s self-esteem and self-confidence as we believe it is the foundations for their future.


Creating with the body, Shaping with the movement

Contact Improvisation Laboratory for children and adults


Young people have a special place in our organization. We live in a turning point in the formation of the new reality, in a time full of dynamic changes and uncertainty. Young people more and more often feel lost, overloaded with information and opportunities. At the same time, an uncertain future is not conducive to setting long-term goals and making decisions becomes increasingly difficult. Our experience of working with youth suggests that young people feel increasingly lonely in shaping their future and need support. In order to meet them, we want to create a space where they could share their fears, better understand their needs and potential, and develop competences useful in their professional and personal life. Our team gathers teachers, psychologists and artists who combine their knowledge and experience to create projects tailored to the needs of individual environments. The projects we implement are based on a holistic approach to development: they combine therapeutic techniques with methods of artistic and creative expression, but also go beyond it. In our projects, we create a space for searching for contact with ourselves, and performative art becomes a tool for building relationships with the world around us and with ourselves. The body becomes a tool of exploration, and art becomes a medium for understanding the world and our relationship with other people and the environment. The programs we create develop self-awareness, empathy and communication. As a result, young people know each other better and understand their needs, it is easier for them to plan and pursue their careers, and develop the competencies needed to adapt to the changing reality.



International Project about developing social responsibility through raising emotional awareness as a source of inner balance.

2021 Inner Bridge

International training co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union, which will take place in April 2021.

2020 Inspiracje/ The Creative Group

The project is an experimental version of running a creative group based on Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Wayt" in an on-line form.

2018 Invisible Power: Unlock the Emotional Connection

“The Invisible: The Hidden Power of the Senses” is an international training within the ERASMUS + program on awareness of the senses and its role in developing emotional intelligence in the context of creating meaningful relationships with others.


We deliberately did not divide into subsequent groups in the age category or category related to mobility, because in any project we did not work in such restrictive formulas, despite the fact that seniors, people with physical disabilities or those from environments at risk of social devaluation participated in them. Apart from the children and youth sector, where there is a specificity of activities defined, for example, by psychophysical development, every other educational project is always intergenerational and does not define a particular category due to movement or physical limitations. We believe that through art we can communicate on many different levels and learn and inspire each other. Below are a few selected educational projects in which we tried to show that there are no barriers in dialogue and artistic communication.


2017 - Constelacions

An intergenerational dance performance prepared jointly by Warsaw artists, dancers from Wrocław and Bielsko-Biała, and dance lovers 60+ from Wrocław.


A series of dance workshops celebrating individuality and blurring the line between the classically understood categories of full and disability.

2015 - Invisible

A project in the field of cultural education in the field of dance, focused on improvisation, Contact Improvisation (CI), authentic movement and somatic practices, and on the possibilities of using these techniques as a medium connecting the environment of blind and visually impaired people (with different levels of movement experience / dance) and dancers / choreographers.

2013 - Poruszenie

A project in the field of cultural education in the field of dance, focused on the Contact Improvisation (CI) technique and the possibilities of using it as a medium that connects the environment of dancers / choreographers and people from groups at risk of social exclusion, with difficult access to culture and art.

2012 - poKOLEi

An interdisciplinary project carried out as part of the Re: wizje 2012 Festival